Another great success for the Virtual WCO-ESCEO-IOF Congress!

The 3rd Virtual WCO-IOF-ESCEO was and still is a huge success!
As you know, the 22nd edition of the WCO-IOF-ESCEO has been organized on the same basis than the last 2 editions due to the pandemic. Nevertheless, the Scientific Committee is thrilled to announce that this new Virtual edition of the WCO-IOF-ESCEO Congress is, one more time, a tremendous success.
In order to offer you the best possible experience, all efforts were made to maintain the initial programme as planned, as well as the usual features of the face-to-face WCO. Altogether, 905 scientific contributions were gathered, including:
- 10 Plenary Lectures
- 03 Educational Lectures
- 16 Meet-the-Expert Sessions
- 04 Satellite Sponsored Symposia
- 28 Oral Communications
- 09 Oral Communications selected for the CNS Special Plenary Session
- 23 Non-Sponsored Symposia
- 16 Virtual Booths
- ...
Do not hesitate to watch again all the sessions that were presented during this virtual WCO-IOF-ESCEO Congress!