New Guidance produced by WHO: "COVID-19 clinical management : Living Guidance"
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the WHO Collaborating Center in Liège, I have the pleasure to share with you the new document produced by WHO, entitled “COVID-19 clinical management: Living guidance (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD)”.
This guidance includes a Best Practice Statement on caring for COVID-19 patients after their acute illness and 5 new recommendations: use of clinical judgment rather than currently available prediction models for prognosis, use of pulse oximetry monitoring at home as part of a package of care, use of awake prone positioning in patients with severe COVID-19, use thromboprophylaxis dosing of anticoagulation rather than intermediate or therapeutic dosing, the use of existing care bundles
Please note that each chapter has been updated, including chapter 22, “Caring for older people” as of January 25, 2021.
The WHO Collaborating Center expresses its gratitude to Doctor Yuka Sumi, Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child & Adolescent Health and Ageing, Division of UHC and Life course, and to her colleagues at WHO, for sharing this document with us. I am convinced that this will be an incredible asset for all clinicians and care givers, to improve the life of our poor sufferers.
Kindest regards,
Jean-Yves Reginster
Director WHO CC Liège